Self-organization needs Leadership

17 May 2019
13:25 - 14:10
Room 1

Self-organization needs Leadership

Self-organization needs direction. Scrum-Teams, Kanban-Teams even Holocracy Circles need a purpose and a vision and someone who can guide and enable them. Leadership – not Leaders are even more essential in environments in which teams shall become self-managed and hyper productive. Most organizations have teamleads, and other managers on different levels. Their role needs to change in organzations that want to go the agile path. And they are the ones who need to play an active part in the transformation towards a flexible organzation that is able to cope with the demands of the digital storm that will destroy more and more traditional business models. Thus the role of middle management in agile organizations is pretty clear: They have to create an environment that fosters selforganization. But what does this really mean – how does the behaviour of middle managers will change? The good news: the necessary actions to take are simple! However it demands a paradigm shift of all involved parties.

  • First – they need to start leading but seeing themselves as hosts that serve their teams.
  • Second – the need to get involved with their teams – creating a culture of accomplishments and appreciation using Neuroscience.
  • Third – they need to create structures that foster selforganization – by using the Art of Hosting and management frameworks like Holacracy, Scrum and Kanban.
  • Fourth – they need to create a completely new way of acknowledgment of their peers by using positive reinforcment.

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